This was posted months before the 2020 election.
God was exposing things way back then, and even earlier, in answer to millions of prayers from around the world.
Too many people, including Christians, just didn't pay attention to God or to the facts that their friends and loved ones tried to share with them.
Now, more than ever, we should be well aware of the signs of the times in many forms as our Lord commanded us to be actively discerning.
From this point forward, we need to be hearing continually from God directly and through those He sends to warn us.
Significant efforts in years of research have gone into the following in order to show simply and clearly the actual policies on which each party stands.
You'll likely be surprised, perhaps shocked in some of what you discover, but we assure you that these are well-documented and easily confirmed by doing your own extensive research.
Again, be sure to do your own research for, as it's been said, "If someone tells you something, it may seem true to you, but if you tell it, it's absolute fact to you, right?
We hope that, at the very least, you'll appreciate that there are fellow citizens that, even if you don't agree with their understanding in every area, you'll be glad that they put in the effort to try to bring things to light in as honest and forthright way that they could without malice towards anyone.
And, in case you don't appreciate it, you're welcome to prove our work wrong . . . but be forewarned . . . there's massive documentation from key leaders of each Party to back up what you'll read . . . enjoy!
Please remember that it's all about the PLATFORM and not a person. The people vote and implement according to their platform.
We pray that you'll lovingly choose to vote for life for the sake of those you love.
By the way, if you're viewing this on a cell phone, the colored platform policies are listed side by side to be able to compare each Party's stance fairly.
So, be sure to see it on a regular screen if you'd like to have the full value of that comparison.
Platform is about maintaining the sovereignty of The United States of America as originally established.
God is honored above all else; platform continually mentions God and includes strong support of Israel.
Believe that God created government as King, Lawgiver and Judge.
Constitution stands as the basis of government inspired by God.
Platform is to protect country from a private central bank controlling country’s economy.
Want to stop private central bank receiving taxes paid & lending back to country with interest.
Federal government serves country – does not rule it.
Laws created only by Congress as stated in Constitution.
People’s money is theirs alone.
Children belong to their family only.
Traditional nuclear family important in raising children.
Some of the strongest states have no state income tax.
Representation according to long-proven structure.
For conservative promotion of peace, prosperity and pursuit of happiness.
Speak openly and freely.
Open to debating issues, no matter how difficult.
Pro-Life. ‘I set before you life & death … choose life.’
Pro-Life. ‘Better a millstone … than to hurt a child.’
Pro-Life. People believe grace covers 60 million murders?
Belief that proven principles always work and never change; dependable.
Based on principles given by God in the Bible.
Promotes agendas that bring God’s grace & mercy.
Was built on controlling spending and balancing budget.
Focus on security of the US Dollar staying world's reserve currency.
Formed for the purpose of stopping slavery.
Created Reconstruction to help South rebuild without slavery after War.
Forced South to allow Blacks to vote.
Party specifically created to stop slavery in 1860.
Is against eminent domain unless absolutely necessary.
Supports well-proven Electoral College.
10% - 40% higher percentage of office holders in Congress that voted for Civil Rights Acts. Very supportive.
Worked with some in other Party to help integrate schools in the South.
Supports difference of boys & girls, men & women.
Inefficient at marketing the image & accomplishments of the Party.
States run by Party currently experiencing high growth rates.
Believe in “Stand your ground” to prevent harm to family and home.
For ethical Free Market Capitalism & "Equal Opportunity."
Believe in established forms of family and society.
Members look to self for solutions and not government.
Entered US into “War on Terrorism.”
Focus on facts over emotions, so they are more difficult to manipulate.
Insist on liberty as free individuals, including to make own food choices.
Favor using America’s natural energy resources until alternatives ready.
Favor facts-based data to evaluate performance of energy sources.
Understand that energy “storage & power (thrust)” differ from energy.
Understand logistics of energy regarding supply chains.
Favors facing realities over falling for fearmongering.
Have negotiated trade deals with strength.
Want proper standards and focus on the basics of Reading, Writing & Math to include STEM programs.
Tough but strive to be fair with criminals.
Favor private charities & ministries doing social work.
Favor business opportunity & ownership to create jobs.
Not in favor of labor unions due to so much corruption in them.
All decisions of raising children up to parents; none are up to the government.
Boys & girls, men & women.
Marriage between a man and a woman only; main purpose to procreate.
Tough on rapists as a crime of violence.
Open for discussions with others of opposite opinions.
Party leaves health options open for individual choice.
Against Affirmative Action as it has proven to actually harm minorities.
For vocational training options in high schools for those not wanting college.
Recognizes that not everyone’s created for massive home mortgage debt which paralyzes and destroys finances of many of minorities.
Being sure of clarity is considered more important for communications than simply “agreeing to disagree.”
Rule of Law & maintaining integrity of Godly governing.
Generally not favored by Big Tech or Industrial Complex.
Big Tech manipulates data results against Party ongoing.
Ridiculed, lied about & severely bullied in media.
Platform attracts those wanting equal opportunity to succeed or fail.
Constant with Bible & commands of the God of Israel.
Founded for freedom & equality of all men & women, boys & girls to enjoy the blessings of God.
Desire for benefit more motivating vs avoidance of pain.
Have been successful using talk radio to communicate.
Platform continually attempts to force abandonment of US sovereignty to UN & New World Order. Shocking, yes?
Removed God from platform statement in 2012 to not mention God or Lord or Jerusalem as capital of Israel.
Elevates Self above all, which creates pride, anarchy & lawlessness.
Platform promotes changes in Constitution as society’s morals, ethics & attitudes change.
For keeping a private central bank running the country’s economy.
Okay with private central bank ruling country into debt to that bank while enriching a few.
Federal government overrides rule of states for themselves.
Promotes creating massive agencies that create unconstitutional policies with power to override laws.
Platform declares that people’s earnings are government’s first, then to citizens.
Platform publicly declares that Children belong to the government first, family second.
Willing to call most anything a family; kids just forced to adjust.
Platform-dominated states are statistically among highest rates of debt & murders.
Known as “Mobocracy” – Just 1 more vote to control.
Willing to riot, burn down cities and harm fellow citizens if they disagree.
Believe it's okay to wear disguises and get paid to commit violence.
Prefer to shut down “the other side” and cancel them.
Supports abortion, murder in the womb.
Supports actual infanticide of healthy newborn babies.
Supports murder of live babies up to weeks after birth.
No such thing as never-changing principles or absolute truth to count on.
Promotes evolution and many other ungodly principles.
Promotes agendas that bring God’s judgment to nations.
Use Modern Market Theory of unlimited money printing.
Want to eliminate US Dollar from being world's reserve currency.
Broke off from Union - Started Civil War to keep slavery.
Formed Ku Klux Klan to murder Republicans in attempts to retain slavery.
Killed White & Black Republicans to stop Black voters.
Party cost an estimated 650,000 to 850,000 lives.
Supports eminent domain and government grows.
Wants to replace Electoral College with simple majority.
Lower percentage of office holders voted for Civil Rights Acts. Party support very mixed due to so many in KKK.
States run by Party fought integration with fire hoses and lynchings.
Confused as to the reality of only two sexes.
Highly skilled in image building, even taking credit due to opposing Party.
States controlled by Party experiencing large numbers leaving states.
Against 2nd Amendment & prefer defunding police.
For “Equal Outcome” no matter who works or doesn’t.
Anything goes & continually “fluid.” Difficult to keep up.
Members look to government to solve most issues.
Entered US in all other wars since Spanish American War.
Members focus on feelings & emotions over facts, so easier to manipulate.
Favor legislation & taxation that restrict freedoms, including some foods.
Have forced using alternative energy sources which continue to fail.
Continually caught using false “computer models” to force “green” agendas.
Refuse to accept that sun & wind can’t produce enough focused power.
Refuse to accept that sun & wind can’t power countries.
Uses false “computer projections” to create fear.
Inevitably get US into highly disadvantaged trade deals.
Teacher unions fight for including social propagandizing of students while failing to teach main skills of schooling.
Cities run by Party are highest in drug & murder rates.
Want government social engineering in social programs.
Favor high taxes of business owners & favor employees.
Favor labor unions, now infiltrated with communists.
For abortion, body mutilation in gender “transition” without parent notification.
Can’t keep up with confused ever-changing definitions.
Marriage between anything, even oneself, with animals or children.
Soft on rapists as “victims” as much as real rape victims.
Tend to shut down those not in agreement with them.
Pro-Palestinian and support BDS and enemies of Israel.
Party forces mandates & destroys lives if not compliant.
For Affirmative Action even though facts show it has severely failed minorities.
Promotes college for all and most end without sufficient job to pay debt.
Overdo homeownership; a major cause of that 2008 foreclosures that originated in the late 1990’s by changing lending laws.
Simply “agreeing to disagree” more important than willingness to discuss details to reach clarity of issues.
“The end justifies any means at any cost to anyone.”
Exposed in collusion with Big Tech & Industrial Complex.
Big Tech caught numerous times cheating for Party.
Media serves as propaganda arm for Party & Socialism.
Promotes guaranteed incomes even if healthy but not willing to work.
Has shifted for decades into alignment with ancient gods.
Members seem to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome to point of committing perversions & atrocities of captors.
Perceived fear & avoidance of pain high motivations.
Have passed laws shutting down free speech in churches, radio and television, such as The Johnson Amendment and The “Fairness” Doctrine which is anything but “fair.”t
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